Friday, June 10, 2016

Dear Stranger

The moment I first delve into those almond hazel eyes, I knew I found a rare and precious map.

Whimsical, magical, mysterious, anything that spells something out of the ordinary - that's you.

Yours is a different world, one without a key or a window. A world where things I've never seen, heard or felt exists.

Angels walk barefoot on the grass. Fairies soaring the azure skies. Fire sings the song of Ice, Ice dances to the rhythm of fire.

You speak a language different from mine but you laugh at the same things as I do. You walk a different path but you crossed mine. You look at things differently but you look at the same direction as I do.

The constellations in your eyes are not the same ones I look at from my window every night.

I can't help but wonder about you because you are a world so different, rare, beautiful and...that scares me. One that I am gathering all my courage to explore.

Maybe I should stop here. Maybe I should stop before I go any further. And maybe, I should stop looking forward to unveiling pages and pages of you on the day we meet again.

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