Monday, January 29, 2018

Day 1 Journaling Challenge

Today I noticed how I keep killing my plants...involuntarily, of course. The first one I had was last year, around the middle of summer, when I moved fresh to my tiny but adorable apartment which sometimes smells weirdly of sewers and a dead rat? I tried to find the source of the only thing I hate about my little space but all my efforts were futile. I've turned everything over inside and out. Nothing. Sometimes, I can't help but think that I have an invisible room mate who would leave a generous fart so something would greet me when I come home.

By the way, the first one died a wrinkly death.

Anyway, again, I tried my hands on a new plant. It was love at first sight. It's a shinobu plant I bought from a 100 yen store. With this little one, I put a lot of heart and hope that I will be able to provide him a well-lead life. Every day, I would wake up and look at him gently swaying from the breeze coming from my window, some of his arms raised in a salute towards the sky. Every day too, I would see that some of his arms fall to his side, wilting and dying on his sad blue can. Now, I can only see a couple still fighting and I, sometimes, in desperate hope, would whisper 'gambare' (do your best/keep fighting) to it.

And yet, I know the truth, but I don't want to stop hoping for his well-lead life. 

Hanzo, my shinbou plant

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