Thursday, February 8, 2018

Day 10 Journaling Challenge - The Finish Line!

Hold up! Before you dive into the last entry, play this video on the background. I think it is fitting tribute for my last journal entry.

Click this! Kimi no nawa - Sparkle by Radwimps :)

Finally! It's here! The finish line! I can't believe I made it through day 10. Honestly, it was more challenging than I expected. I usually come home from work, dead tired and my brain even deader than a walker from Walking Dead.
I couldn't say I didn't enjoy writing these entries. Actually, through this experience, I was able to find myself and my passion again.

The whole truth behind this shenanigan is to find myself. Ashamed as I may be to admit it, last year, I've lost in touch with my creative self. I was so absorbed with gaining security with my job and my status in Japan that I forgot how good it felt each time I made a poetry or a short entry. The rush, exhilaration and bliss of materializing the words and thoughts that floats around the spaces of my mind feels like hearing my child utter his first words or kissing those lips that I so long want to taste for the first time.

Each poetry, each silly journal entry and fan fiction shorts are my children. Everyone flawed in their every way and yet, beautiful in their own words.

The journey with this journal entries felt like a reawakening and a rebirth of my heart and soul. I learned to notice the little things around me. I especially love the curve of people's eyes when they smile and how they look back and do a polite bow before disappearing from sight.

I also learned how to write for myself and myself only. I stopped caring what other people think and just let go of these words dangling from my silent lips. Through this, I discovered another style of writing which I would love to explore further. Although, I still love writing emo stuff so it's possible that that kind will pop around once in a while.

Finally, I learned that despite of the selfish reason why I started this challenge, there are still people who loves me enough to read through all of it. This has inspired me to push through the heavy veil of writer's block and punch procrastination on the face.

From the bottom of my heart, to my dearest readers, my family and my friends and my silent readers, domo arigatou gozaimasu and I love you from the moon and back! You guys have helped me get out of the mud and walk tall again with my button-nose, short but happy.

So what's next? I hate making promises so I'll just use the word "try". I won't be able to write for days straight like how I tried to do so with this challenge, but I will try to write a couple every week.

This I promise though - I will not stop writing and stirring your hearts with my words :)

Again, I can't thank everyone enough for supporting me and helping me find my way again.

You guys are the best! Remember, if you're feeling lonely, in the dark, or like no one cares, say this to yourself - "you are strong, beautiful and you'll be okay no matter what happens." This magic chant has always worked for me and I hope it helps you someday when you're in need of a nudge or a lift on one of your dark times :)

Stay awesome, you beautiful people!

Here's a little something for you guys. Just me and my virtual twin, Edna from the Incredibles. She's my inspiration for my new haircut lol

Twinning with Edna. Sorry I forgot to put on my glasses!


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