Saturday, February 3, 2018

Day 6 Journaling challenge

Disclaimer: Before we dive into it, let me open this by saying, "I'm not a doctor. I've only tried the below mentioned remedies on myself. No animals were harmed."

One of the first things I fantasize about after a long and hard day's work is not to stuff myself with something sweet(oh! a slice of cheesecake would do nice though!) nor have a drink of wine while watching Netflix, but to have that few quiet minutes in a steamy and almost scalding hot shower to wash off the day's worries & weary.

That's why, today, I am here to ramble about the healing powers of a hot shower & everything else that soothes our tired bodies at the end of the day.

I just woke up from a short nap turned 2-hour long hour nap, hopped on the shower and washed away all the stresses of today - my mind now refreshed and my body smelling of kiwi, lemon and lime. Now, I am ready to conquer the world once more, but I am in my pyjamas and oversized hoodie and it would be crazy to go outside looking like this. So, allow me to conquer the last remaining minutes of the day with my typewritten words.

Hot showers are my superman. No matter if it's in the middle of summer or I'm sweating buckets, I'd always run to its loving arms to help me put my anxious and exhausted self at ease. The way the hot water runs on your body is like rain washing the streets clean or the waves lapping on the shore. It just resets everything. It's a gentle reminder that we get to start all over again.

If you've dealt with a lot of horse poo today or with a lot of customers with horse poo for an attitude, don't worry! You'll have to deal with them again tomorrow (Okay, that didn't help.) If you just plain messed up today, let's say, photocopied your face "by accident" or called a superior with a different name (that's why plain sir or madam is your safest bet), don't worry! Tomorrow, you'll get it right. Be sure that you won't get caught if you're up to something silly and just call everyone sir, madam or Ben.

After basking in a hot shower, I usually follow it up with a hot cup of Matcha or let the whimsical smell of my scented candles waft in my your room. I also run to the soothing hands of music or a bowl of steaming instant ramen (the latter being my guilty pleasure). Recently, following my hot shower, I put my face mask on, watch some Netflix or thrust myself into writing. Just simple things I let myself indulge in and also, my other way of saying to myself that I did my best today and tomorrow's another day, a clean slate, a fresh start.

So, if you're feeling exhausted or if anxiety is kicking you in the butt, give yourself a nice hot shower and let go of the bad things, the pain and the worries of the day. You gave your best shot today. Tomorrow is another chance to start :)

What about you? What do you reward yourself with at the end of the day or what do you do to recover from the day's beating?

P.S. When you're in the shower, you get to think a lot of deep stuff which adds to the beauty of it too. Just make sure not to go too deep or else your gas and water bill would sky rocket and this would add to your list of other sufferings.

A shower head is not cute, so here's a picture of my Christmas mug :)

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