Thursday, February 1, 2018

Day 4 Journaling Challenge

Before I begin, I just want to give a big shout out to everyone who patiently gave their time to read through my ramblings, especially to my ever supportive family and friends. You guys are the best! I am looking forward to all your love, support and virtual hugs until the end of this journaling challenge. 6 more days to go!

Today, I'll talk about something in a slightly philosophical note. I hope I don't bore you! I did my best to put these thoughts in words today, but I probably failed to bring them thoughts to life. I hope you get my the idea though. 

Tuesdays and Thursdays are becoming my two favorite days after, of course, my day offs. And here's why:

During these two days, I get to speed by the highway and marvel at the craftsmanship and intricacy of this amazing engineering. Today, I noticed the wonderful power of human creation.

Have you ever thought of how a pair of, let's say, shoes was created? Who first conceptualized the idea of this essential modern every day item? How about the design? Whose brilliant mind did it came from?

Have you ever wondered how a building was made? How many pair of hands, buckets of blood and sweat and swearing and rolls of blueprints were used to bring that structure to life?

Or have you ever mused on the beauty of your favorite song? Have you not wondered how someone brought a melody to life, gave it lyrics and forever touched your heart with his or her music?

We, humans, may do A LOT of stupid things, like eat Tide Pods, kick an ant hill or go out drinking until one passes out and doesn't remember anything the next day. Despite the many things I loathe about us, the fact that anyone could create something out of nothing astonishes me.

Here's a scenario for you: You have a pen and paper. You draw a circle, then maybe a couple of strokes here and there. After a few minutes or hours of fiddling with your pen and a couple dozen of cursing yourself, you've created a drawing or a picture out of your sheer talent and imagination! Isn't that wonderful?

Or me, right now, writing this, typing these words to create this journal. Ideas that has sprung into something I could share to others. 

Look at your hands. They are tools of creation. Something God has bestowed upon us to create something good. In most unfortunate cases, these very hands create things that brings forth pain and suffering to others. I'm hoping that we aim to create for the former.

If you're feeling down or disappointed with yourself, look at your hands. Think of what you can make with them. Just make sure not to create anything you'll regret!

This entry is a shout out of love and sincere admiration to all the creators out there, like you and me, especially to the engineers, architects, chefs, bakers, seamstress, pharmacists, artists, and authors. Mad respect for you guys.

Today's entry is sponsored by my knock-out shoes :)


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